Can we be honest…..this was a really weird party…

…..we’ve all been to some strange ones in the last few years….but this is up there…. Maybe first place.

Keep in mind, I was there when JC fed a village with two fish and five loaves….and ended up with twelve baskets of leftovers…

Oh and the wedding where JC conjured up gallons of the finest Napa cabernet from the water jugs….I was there.

JC leads-We follow…..I’m on board 100%…

But sometimes I wish we could be a little more normal and go to Panera like other religious groups.

We’d been hiding out in the wilderness near Ephraim. After JC raised Lazarus some of the powers to be weren’t too pleased….

Ephraim….you’ve been there?…You’re not missing much….and I’m not really a wilderness guy.

So Mary & Martha decide to throw a big feast for JC because of what he did for their brother and we’re all invited.

….and this thing is going to be great….these people have the budget to throw a real party and we are finally in for a treat….

It’s in Bethany….yes that Bethany, two miles from Jerusalem.

Best suburb and we’re going to the biggest house on the best street (Matthew looked it up and told me). I’ve got to figure out what these people do for a living…

Walking up Peter yells out:

“Ohhh yea boys….We’re eating well tonight” while slugging a disciple in the shoulder. JC shoots him a look and he pipes down.

We walk in, and the house is unbelievable…. I’d seen it from the outside but…wow….they have spared no expense. I want to see the upstairs, but the party is down here. Maybe I’ll wander up later ‘looking for the bathroom’.

It’s a small group but the attendees are a who’s-who of Bethany society… I feel a little underdressed and self-conscious….but we’re with the guest of honor so I’ll mingle.

Lazarus is in the corner with some friends. What should I say to him? His sisters have always been big supporters of JC’s ministry.

“Lazarus, thanks for having us…..your coloring looks much better than last time I….ummm…saw you….when you were dead…. Ahhh…How are you feeling?…

I’m such an Idiot… why did I say that?

JC walks over, sits down and starts to eat and talk with Lazarus…..I’m bailed out.

“Good to catch up, I’m going to top off my drink…” and I wander away.

Lazarus’ sister, Martha, is busy in the kitchen.

Actually she’s busy directing the cooks, servers and sommelier what she wants done. I don’t want to bother her. I’ve never seen so much staff in one house, I think they outnumber the guests.

At this point I see Martha and Lazarus’ other sister....Mary.

Mary has always been my favorite. Tonight she’s radiant, in her finest and all made up for the party. Hair, nails, dress, makeup, jewelry, she looks like she just stepped off the runway.

Shoot….am I staring?

I head over to talk with Mary but she’s carrying something and walking like she’s on a mission.

Looking down I see she’s carrying a 500ml bottle of Chanel - Eau De Nard No 5.

I double take, I had no idea they made it in a 500ml size. No one I know can even afford the 25ml. (Matthew looked it up later and told me it retails for $78,000 - equal to the median annual household income.)

I’m thinking it’s a party favor for JC, a ‘hey thanks for helping Lazarus out of his jam’ sort of thing.

A bit of a weird gift for a guy who’s just been hanging out in the wilderness….but ok she wanted to do something nice.

Instead, Mary heads over to JC and dumps the whole thing….every last ounce…every last $4600 per oz….ounce….on the man’s feet!

The bottle glugs out. The nard runs all over. Hits the floor in a puddle. The scent hits me from across the room. Just the molecules in my nose were probably worth a couple hundred bucks.

I’m sick, the crowd is in shock. Did that really just happen? Maybe we can scoop one or two ounces off the floor and sell them to cover our expenses.

Can you return 23ml of a 500ml bottle?

Can’t get more awkward?....Oh, that’s what I thought.

Right then Mary…..belle of the ball Mary…Perfectly made-up Mary. Mary....who should have been talking with me at this very moment, gets down on her knees....unpins her perfect coif and starts wiping JC’s feet with her hair.

We should go. We should all just go, no excuses just slip out, I’m ready.

Adding embarrassment to the awkwardness, Old Judas - hand in the till - Iscariot suddenly blurts out:

“Ehhh…Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor…blah blah blah.”

My emotions flash to anger....Maybe we were all thinking it…but you didn’t have to say it….. Grifty McGrifterson….. Now we’ve just insulted our hosts.

Does JC know this guy is a thieving snake? Of course he does, he’s JC.

Then why does he continue to put up with him? Right then something JC said struck me:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind”

Mary was giving extravagantly. Mary was giving the very best she had without reservation.

How often have I failed to give my best to God?

Maybe my hand isn’t in the money bag, like Judas, but how many times have I given what’s left over vs what is his.

What’s almost good enough vs the best I have and yet JC continues to put up with me.

-Joel Staffilino

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